Trusted by more than 75,000 businesses worldwide; focused on speed, reliability, value, and performance.

Simple and easy-to-use platform

Get unlimited websites and visits per serve, powerful add-ons, flexible workflows, and easy vertical scaling so you can focus on growth, not management.

Expert technical support available at all times

Focus on the work that truly matters—growing your business—while our team of in-house experts performs automatic updates, provides premium support, and stands ready to help.

Optimized stack for high performance

Deploy a server with a preinstalled stack, including Nginx, Apache, and Memcached, and application-level caching to achieve optimal performance.

Managed cloud hosting: convenient, fast, powerful, affordable

Hosting your own website comes with complexities and challenges that force you to manage everything yourself, which can take a lot of time away from actually running your business. With a managed hosting solution, you can unleash your website's full potential with efficient, expert support along with the freedom, tools, and security your company needs to scale.

Create a new website in minutes

A simple platform and intuitive control panel make it easy to get your websites in the cloud securely and access the resources and tools your business needs to best serve your customers.

Managed by the pros

Cloud hosting experts constantly ensure your websites are high performing using a uniquely optimized stack that instantly improves site speed and uptime across servers.

Scale for success

Industry-leading cloud security—including bot and advanced DDoS protection—and powerful 1-click scaling lets your company grow more effectively than ever before.

Host WordPress, Magento, WooCommerce, or Laravel in just a click

DigitalOcean's strong cloud infrastructure, combined with Cloudways' top-tier managed hosting service, together empower developers to deploy their favorite PHP apps in just one click—and grow their companies faster than ever.

WordPress instances in a flash

Build your websites on DigitalOcean dedicated servers or migrate them to Cloudways and have experts take care of the ins and outs of hosting.

Ready to serve e-commerce

Build your websites on DigitalOcean dedicated servers or migrate them to Cloudways and have experts take care of the ins and outs of hosting.

Always on, 24/7 hosting support

Expert support services are always available to you, day or night. Ask us to deploy PHP or other custom packages, help with caching configurations, or make server configuration changes—no matter the resources you need, our team is here to help.

App-level issues

Get plug-in or theme troubleshooting, investigation of server errors, help with your database or email add-on, and performance optimization.

Proactive website monitoring

Powerful application monitoring tools are built into the platform so we can inform you and start investigating immediately if your server or stack is down.

Enhanced SLAs

Advanced Support doubles your Live Chat access and cuts online tickets response times to 3 hours (normal priority) or 30 mins (high). Premium SLAs are even slicker.

Get back to running your company and growing revenue