Natively integrated

Powered by our open source agent, Monitoring on DigitalOcean simplifies your toolset to collect system-level metrics all in one place. View graphs, track performance, and set up alerts instantly within your control panel. Easily enable Monitoring via the control panel or API for new and existing Droplets in any of our data centers.

Real-time summary dashboards

Know how your Droplets are performing over time and when to scale to improve your application’s performance with up-to-the minute visualizations.

Quickly set up alerts for peace of mind

Create intelligent alert policies to easily monitor changes to your system. Receive alerts on any metric, Droplet, or group of Droplets, and get notified whenever a metric crosses your specified threshold and critical issues arise in your infrastructure.

Receive alert notifications through Slack or email

Easily integrate our Monitoring service with your Slack account via OAuth when you create your alert policy. Instantly receive notifications in your Slack channel when a new alert is triggered. Alternatively, you can set up and receive alerts via email.

Multiple graphs enable you to monitor:


CPU usage

The percent of total processing power in use.


Disk usage

The percentage of space in use on your Droplet’s disk.


Disk I/O

Disk read and write operations in megabytes per second.



Public bandwidth usage in megabits per second.



The percentage of physical RAM in use

Frequently asked questions

What is Monitoring?

  • Monitoring service enables you to monitor the host-metrics like CPU utilization, data transfer, and disk usage activity from Droplets. You can view the graphs of these metrics to understand how they are performing over time or set up alerts to receive a notification whenever a metric crosses your specified threshold and critical issues arise in your infrastructure.

How can I enable Monitoring?

  • Monitoring on DigitalOcean is automatically enabled when you install the Monitoring agent on your Droplet. To install the Monitoring agent, you just need to select Monitoring on your cloud console. You can also use our API, or a package manager to add the agent to your Droplets. Read more here.

Which operating systems does Monitoring support?

  • Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, and Fedora.

What is the retention period of all metrics?

  • The data for the running Droplets is retained for 14 days. When a Droplet is destroyed, the data associated with the Droplet is also deleted.

Do more with Monitoring

Find out more about Monitoring and creating highly available infrastructure with the help of step-by-step tutorials.


How to Set Up Monitoring Alerts

Getting started

An Introduction to DigitalOcean Monitoring


Glossary of DigitalOcean Monitoring Terminology and Metrics