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Scalable, fast, and reliable block storage

Spaces Object Storage complements local and block storage to help your business scale. Globally available starting at $5 per month for 250GiB with 1TiB of outbound transfer—inbound bandwidth to Spaces is always free.

Excellent performance

Designed for applications requiring high requests per second (RPS), Spaces ensures high performance for read and write operations, maxing out at 1500 RPS per client IP address.

Built-in content delivery network

Our built-in content delivery network can reduce web page load times, improve performance, and reduce bandwidth and infrastructure costs by caching assets across a set of geographically distributed servers.

Simple to use

Upload multiple files with drag-and-drop or via API, and manage all your content from a simple control panel. Prevent cross-domain security warnings and avoid complex configuration files by using an intuitive cross- origin resource sharing (CORS) rules manager built into our Cloud UI, or the S3-compatible API.


Data transfer is automatically encrypted with HTTPS. You can make your files public or private or offer a Quick Share link that expires after a specified time. Map a custom subdomain and secure it with an existing SSL certificate or use a free Let's Encrypt certificate.

S3 Compatible

Use the large existing ecosystem of S3 tools, utilities, plugins, extensions, and libraries to easily manage your Spaces Object Storage

Integrates with tools you already use

Spaces can be managed via API, CLI, or your favorite S3-compatible tool.


Open source tool for Windows, or macOS that provides a graphical interface to manage files for a wide variety of services.



Rclone is an open source program to migrate and sync content on cloud and other storage.


FIleZilla S3 Plugin

File transfer solution that works with FTP, SFTP, FTPS, and WebDav protocols.



Migrate from S3 compatible storage or enable multi-cloud content delivery.

Do more with Spaces Object Storage

Storing static assets and unstructured data

Host and deliver static web assets such as images, JavaScript files, and CSS files, as well as videos, sensor data, and large datasets required for big data analytics and training machine learning models.

Video streaming

Object storage plus a CDN enables video streaming applications to serve engaging experiences while preventing buffering or stream crashes by caching media on the local CDN server to speed up requests.

Software delivery and file sharing

Object storage with a CDN allows for faster and more reliable file sharing and downloads of software libraries and containers, regardless of size.

Storing backup files and logs

Archive backup and log files with capacity that automatically scales to easily store multiple files of any size—and you only pay only for what you use.

Planning to create static sites?

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Spaces has given us the high scalability we need, allowing us to add and grow as much as we want, with no restrictions whatsoever.

David Waizer

Director of DevOps, Senzari

Cloud providers love gouging on bandwidth for seemingly no reason. The only reason that Loot.tv can exist is because of the very cheap overage [bandwidth charges] on DigitalOcean Spaces.

Joshua Verdehem

Co-Founder, Loot.tv

$5 per month

Start with one node and add up to 100 of them, adding or removing nodes as you go.

Ready to build it?

Add Spaces

250 GiB


1 TiB

Outbound transfer


Additional storage


Additional transfer

See it in action

Introduction to DigitalOcean Spaces: Simple, reliable object storage with built-in CDN

Have special use cases or business requirements?